Who has time to blog? I've often wondered this. And who has time to read everyone else's blog? That's why I've never bothered to start a blog prior to being given the green light to actually do so *on work time.* Did I mention that I love working for the library?
So who has time to do what they really want to do, whether it's blogging, learning Swahili or jamming with a bunch of musician friends? That's my biggest barrier to committing to learning or trying something new. I already have so many obligations and so little time that is truly my own. If I could afford to never work for a paycheck again, I'd be very happily occupied doing many things. But there's that seduction of a roof overhead and regular meals. If anyone can figure out how I can pay my bills while writing, playing keyboards and volunteering at the animal shelter, let me know.
Once I've started something new and I've shoved aside the other ten things I'm supposed to be doing instead, I want to master it right away. Patience, especially with myself, has never been a virtue of mine. Yeah, yeah, I know it's healthier to view problems as challenges; they certainly can be. But don't tell me that while I'm cursing and frightening the cats away.
Kelly Clarkson Catastrophe
5 years ago
i know what you mean about not having enough time. i wish i didn't have to work but, yeah, having a place to live and food to eat really is hard to resist. but i, for one, lookk forward to reading more of your blog... i'll find the time! ;) cheers!
I almost called my blog kimpossible, but I like yours better! --Kim at Hilltop
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