Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Religious about Podcasts

Okay, first of all, I have to comment on a couple of observations I had while just starting this exercise. I went to, and marveled at the number of religious (presumably Christian) topics listed under "popular" tags. I went back and counted: ten percent of the topics in the list were religious, ranging from "Christianity" to "Bible" to "Jesus" to "faith." Okay, interesting.

I decided to click on "science." The podcast at the top of the list was an item from "College & Young Adult Podcasts from Exodus Interactive Forum" that claimed to have "Christianity explored and defended in a way that pushes each believer to examine their own faith." The item had been tagged with "science," along with many others including "adult," "intelligent," and "sex." I wondered how many users clicking on those tags would be surprised to find this podcast in the list. I also found several podcasts dealing with the paranormal, another topic I wouldn't expect to find under "science." Apparently those who post the podcasts have a great deal of latitude in how they tag their presentations.

I sorted through the questionable material and found something that looked promising. I clicked on Brain Food and was not disappointed. This episode was a special Q&A edition covering topics from the constancy of the speed of light to the difference between static and kinetic friction. The host explained these concepts in an engaging and easy to understand format. This is definitely a podcast I want to tune into again. I might even start to follow it religiously.

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